Sunday, August 14, 2011

what about social networking that everybody's talking about.

Social Networking has become very popular during the past few years, some of this social networking sites  are  TwitterFriendsterMultiply  , tumblr , and especially FACEBOOK.  They all have advantages and disadvantages
Here are some stories how social networking sites help others.

A story about a daughter and a father who haven't seen each other for 2 years since the daughter left the Philippines. Here is their story:   "It's been 2 yrs scene's I left Philippines without any contact to my father i dont know how to contact him and then my mom bought me laptop i use facebook to contact some of my relatives and ask how's my father and they gave me his email in fb and contact number, now he's living in USA we chat and seens each others photo until now i use fb to say hi to him and we chat every day and its helfulll bec i dont need to use my cell to call for him overseas I just use videochat at least there i could see him...<3 "
--Queenie Lota, Okayama-shi, Okayama

Another story is about her husband forcing her to use facebook and while she's using facebook she found her family who she haven't seen or met.  "I joined Facebook at the urging of my husband. Little over a year later, I have been connected to family I have never met and got back in touch with family I hadn't seen or talked to in over 5 years. Thank you God for FB! "
--MandySue Hollandsworth Chesnut, Nevada, Missouri

A story about a man who grew his business  using facebook fan page:   "I have been on FB since 2006, its great to see how it´s become a part of my everyday life and business. I now have gathered enough knowledge and skills to be handling business fanpages for personal projects and clients. FB has really changed the way marketing is done, and my professional how-to is constantly evolving. Is a perfect place to learn and make engaging relationships with customers. "
--Jacey Liane Cornell

It's about a business man who use twitter to grew his business :
"How has Twitter changed my life?  Well it has allowed me to have contacts around the globe!  This is so important because as I grow my businesses worldwide having these key contacts gives me an connection into that city and community.  It is like a spark plug for my biz in that area."

Now, here are some disadvantage about social networking:
Director Ricky Rivero was stabbed in his very house in Quezon City a young man he had just met on the social networking site Facebook. Despite the injuries have done more to shield Rivero's drive itself to the Philippine Heart CenterWas in good condition now and as the police caught the suspects named HansIvan Ruiz.This incident is just one of many cases of victimization by evil men using the popular social networking sites on the Internet. 

The husband who dumped his wife by Facebook: "A separation is hard for everyone but finding out your marriage is over on the internet is too much! Emma Brady, a 35-year-old woman was shocked by a message her husband posted on the social networking site: "Neil Brady has ended his marriage to Emma Brady." The woman said she had no idea about it until her best friend in Denmark phoned her to “check if she was all right”. Her ex husband Neil Brady, who is now living with his mother, stated he had mentioned the separation to his wife. And added 'Id had enough of her'. We get the picture Neil… but anyways, you could have told it clearly to her face. "

The woman who had her Facebook photo stolen and used as advertising in the Czech Republic : "Everybody say cheese!! What a beautiful moment for this Missouri family posing for their Christmas card photo. But what they didn't expect is that the photo would end up somewhere else than their living room. Yes, a giant version of the image was spotted by a college friend of them on a food store in Prague, the Czech Republic . The photo was being used as an advertisement without any authorization. Grazie store in Prague's owner, Mario Bertuccio said he took it from the internet and he had no idea it belonged to a real family. Well Mario, say that to the judge. "

The thirteen year old girl who met a man on Facebook, had sex with him and then hid him in her closet:  "A very shocked woman called the police after she opened her teenage daughter's bedroom closet and found a 19-year-old man hidden inside. The 13-year-old girl admitted she had had sex with the man after meeting him on Facebook. Actually, according to the police, the man had been hiding in her closet since at least 2 days. The Facebook Romeo was arrested and is in custody awaiting possible criminal sexual conduct charges. "